Friday, June 6, 2008

Unusual Headboard Options

One of our readers, Lauri, wrote in and asked:
“Do you have any unusual ideas for “King” size headboards, other than just the traditional ones the stores offer? Thanks! I just recently discovered your website and I LOVE it!”

Thank you, Lauri, for asking a great question. I am happy to help you come up with some unique solutions to your dilemma. Our vendors offer a lot of lovely headboards, but I think it’s great that you want to try something fun and unusual. First of all, let’s think about the function of the headboard. While exploring your options, keep a couple of things in mind: Headboards provide support when sitting up in bed as well as a nice decorative touch to balance out your room. With that in mind, here are some fun choices.

Paint or Paper - A simple trick that you see a lot in show houses and magazines is to paint or wallpaper something directly onto your wall. Here is a post a while ago about wall decals. The options are unlimited and it’s an inexpensive way to go. A large photo of a flower has big impact!

Found Objects - You can use virtually anything you can find at a flea market or antique shop. Don’t worry about it being exactly the right width, though wider is better than smaller. An old door on its side, a beautiful screen, or even a surfboard makes some surprising and fun headboards.

Artwork - Sometimes you don’t need a headboard at all. A nice collection of well-framed artwork against a dramatic wall color is a showcase in itself. Just make sure you hang it high enough so that you are not leaning against it.

Shop for Paint, Artwork, Wall Decals and Room Screens in My Design Secrets!

For more great interior decorating advice please visit Lorrie Browne at:

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